Chivalry seems to have been long dead , may be thats why we get to envying as soon as we see someone chivalric, We neither believe in it nor...

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Chivalry seems to have been long dead , may be thats why we get to envying as soon as we see someone chivalric, We neither believe in it nor...
Guess what's this world cup's trends , lets see the jabullanni , the Waka Waka and the vuvuzelas of course,Now thats something that ...
How can i not write about football, when thats the hottest thing in the planet ? Its every where are every day of the wait is killing me , a...
Of course a two year sentence for killing 25000 thousand innocent civilians and injuring over 100,000 and then getting away with a subtle an...
Whats the best thing about the moist rainy seasons, Of course everyone has their say , they rain and it unquestioned , the wetness and moist...
Views on The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari by Robin S Sharma An Almanac of Life ; thats how you can sum up this marvel from the pen Robin S Shar...