Add caption How marvelous and symbolic it would be if we could light a million candles on this eve, A million candles to celebrate hope. Of ...

cr aft, craft to make, making a craft, christmas kard, easy craft making
Add caption How marvelous and symbolic it would be if we could light a million candles on this eve, A million candles to celebrate hope. Of ...
OWH is partnering once again with Archway to match sweets for sweets. Archway will send goodies to our troops for Valentine and Love cards r...
19Th of November is no ordinary day, Its my other halves birthday. Its that one day a part of me was created by god and conceived upon this ...
By day -- and some nights, I am a math content editor for a text book publisher. At our office, the Activities Committee holds an annual Hol...
I just read Sandy's post on the Operation Write Home Stars and Stamps blog reminding everyone to stop by their local scrapbook store on ...
If there is one thing about the subcontinent that no ever refutes, and every head nods in unison, then that got to be its rich flavours. Sal...
Love is still as strange to me as it has always been, in my many pursuits to understand it; I have only succeeded in failing again and again...
Hi, everyone, Sorry it's been such a long time between posts. I've been busy making holiday cards for OWH heroes -- and for a craft ...
Of all the fancy topic that ran through my mind, this one made most sense. After all it’s the 50 th post that I am publishing. So I thought ...
It strikes me gravely, to write such as this. This is not ability to write that I share but the inability to do so. It is no story of real d...