There is no surprise here, it’s not the first time that I have asked and It’s not the first time she said no. That doesn’t mean I can’t keep...

cr aft, craft to make, making a craft, christmas kard, easy craft making
There is no surprise here, it’s not the first time that I have asked and It’s not the first time she said no. That doesn’t mean I can’t keep...
The last few weeks have found me making Christmas cards for OWH troops to send home to the little ones in their lives. A bunch of bright and...
It feels ridiculous that I write about it. it is completely insane that you have to mourn about the death of a person whom u barely knew. In...
I'll admit I have Christmas cards on the brain. So, the OWH challenge to do something round at Robyn's Fetish meshed with my earli...
The card below was inspired by three separate Operation Write Home posts: this week's Stars and Stamps challenge to "do something r...
July 30 was a wonderful day for Central Ohio paper crafters! That was the day that Scrapbook Art, one of their favorite scrapbook stores, re...
Inbetween autumn and Christmas cards for OWH, I took a short break to make a few cards for family and friends. The Halloween card materials ...
I was checking the first VCMP challenge of the day before watching the 9-11 Remembrance Coverage this morning when I read the challenge to m...
There was a picture hung by the wall of by old countryside home, it was a gray scale picture of three young girls and a grandmother. At firs...
There is no day such as this that suits the writing of a piece as this. A tribute to her, on her birthday, telling no more than how “I miss ...
Welcome, card makers! And, Happy Birthday, OWH! So, what do you think of when you hear the phrase, "Falling for You"? Perhaps you...
Found the Jillibean Soup's Christmas Eve Chowder paper at my new favorite scrapbook store, Scrapbook Art is Lewis Center, OH. It seems a...
I keep returning to Versace in discussions on taste and the ever-shifting idea of what is considered gaudy or superfluous. Few designers wer...
Printed papers, border stickers, and leaf stickers from Reminisce's Harvest collection were used to create the following cards that will...
It’s been time, it’s like the breath of fresh air, and So long we have been stuck to the old and rusty interface that it really needed a cha...