Hi, everyone, Another quick post. I have 3 cards inspired by this week's OWH sketch to share. (Boy, wouldn't it be nice if I could ...
K-Cup Poinsettia Ornament
If you are looking for K-Cup crafts, then you’ve come to the right place. I am a coffee-aholic and K-cups just seem to pile up. Do I toss ...

The Amazon Interview Process
This is the crude stuff about how my interview at Amazon went, I did not want to bore my dear friends with it, but then I thought may be som...

I just wanted them to ask
I just wanted them to ask, Not bother and bask, I just wanted them to care, That is only obvious and fare. I asked not for a sonnet and a so...
OWH Sketch #130
Hi everyone, The card below is for last Sunday's OWH sketch . Better late than never. :) Paper: We R Memory Keepers Red, White & Blu...
Binder Pencil Pouch from Duct Tape and a storage bag
Back to school is almost upon us. You could buy one of those ready-made pencil pouches that fit in a binder—or you could use some duct tape...
CAS-ual Christmas Cards
Hi, everyone, First of all, a huge thanks to everybody who took part in the OWH's Midweek Throwdown color wheel challenge . Your cards w...
Snowflake Frame K-Cup Ornament
It's July and the perfect time to start your Christmas crafting. Start saving those K-cups and by the time Christmas rolls around you w...
Recycled CD and/or Duct Tape Puzzle Earrings
Old CD’s make the best craft material, especially for earrings. They are lightweight and flashy. This time go one better and use any color...