Breaking News
Saturday 10 November 2012

Info Post
UPDATE  New details in AP piece, including CIA concerns about Broadwell access to Petraeus, her security clearance, and more.  Also, she quickly posted private photo he gave her (see left) when he met with...Angelina Jolie. (Presumably she is not the other "other woman.")  Here's a 2008 write-up that mentions Jolie's visit to his Baghdad office, pleading for help on refugees.

Then there's is:  "Broadwell planned to celebrate her 40th birthday party in Washington this weekend, with many reporters invited. But her husband emailed guests to cancel the event late Friday."

Read more here:

New NYT piece on St. Petraeus's fall, with some details I did not know about, such as:  "Asked to throw out the first pitch at the 2008 World Series, he brought his security detail to Washington’s stadium to practice getting the ball over the plate."   Irony of irony:  Paula Broadwell lives in Charlotte--where "Homeland" is mainly filmed.

Now, this is interesting:  "She told associates recently that she was at work on another Petraeus book."  Oh boy.  Possible titles:  "Charlotte Ruse."  "Charlotte's Web." "Swing Low Sweet Charlotte."

"As word of his resignation resounded across the Pentagon on Friday, more than one officer cited the biblical adultery of King David and Bathsheba."

So another possible book title: "David and Bat Crazy." 

See my earlier updates today.

Note:  My e-book on Obama-Romney race has just been published.  "Tricks, Lies, and Videotape" covers the contest right up to Election Night and the aftermath, and includes over 500 clickable links to the most important articles, blog posts and videos.  Just $2.99.  Enjoy. 


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