Breaking News
Friday 9 November 2012

Info Post
Yes, it's true that all Romney won was the Old Confederacy (plus bordering West Virginia, Arizona and Indiana, once the home base for the KKK)--and students at a college in Mississippi had a white race riot after Obama won -- but is a new civil war about to break out?  Probably not, but let's revisit item I ran here a couple of months back that drew wide notice:
Judge Tom Head in Lubbock, Texas, has said in interview (on a local Fox channel) that "civil war" would break out if Obama re-elected.  He will turn over "sovereignty" to the United Nations.  He predicts another "Lexington and Concord" and widespread civil unrest "and take up arms and get rid of the guy."  UN tanks would head for Lubbock County and he promises to be standing at head line to turn them back.

 Here's story and video from local Lubbock on Dems calling for the judge to resign because of his "paranoid fantasy."  Love the Houston Chronicle site's headline: "Crazy county judge makes Lubbock a national laughingstock." All this in the proud home of Buddy Holly--this is not what Buddy meant by "Rave On."

Note:  My e-book on Obama-Romney race has just been published.  "Tricks, Lies, and Videotape" covers the contest right up to Election Night and the aftermath, and includes over 500 clickable links to the most important articles, blog posts and videos.  Just $2.99.  Enjoy.   


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