Breaking News
Wednesday 7 November 2012

Info Post
Edward Wong of the NYT reports just now:  "At least four Tibetans set themselves on fire Wednesday to protest Chinese rule in Tibetan areas, according to reports by Free Tibet, an advocacy group, and Radio Free Asia, which is financed by the United States government. Since March 2011, nearly 70 Tibetans have self-immolated, and the number on Wednesday was the highest in a single day.

"Three of those were teenage boy monks in Aba County, known as Ngaba in Tibetan. One, Dorje, died on the scene, and the other two were taken to a hospital, according to the reports. Elsewhere, a 23-year-old woman set fire to herself and died. Radio Free Asia also reported a fifth self-immolation that took place at night in the Tibet Autonomous Region, but the details remain vague."


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