Breaking News
Tuesday 13 November 2012

Info Post
WSJ tonight reports that Jill Kelley had "regrets" this summer, when pressed by her socialite friends, and tried to get FBI to back off on its probe--perhaps she realized it could hurt pal Petraeus.

On Tuesday, people familiar with the case said that at one point in the summer, after the investigation began pointing to larger potential national security issues, Ms. Kelley tried to get the FBI to drop the matter. The people said she made the request because she was worried about the personal information being provided to investigators.
Ms. Kelley, a 37-year-old volunteer who organized social events for military personnel, developed misgivings after friends in her Tampa social circle urged her to drop the matter, saying the probe would only cause bigger problems, the people familiar with the case said.
Ms. Kelley's apparent regret points to one of the more unusual aspects of the case: what began as a seemingly minor case of cyberstalking mushroomed into fears that the Central Intelligence Agency director's personal email account had been hacked, which spawned concerns the CIA director might have passed sensitive information to his mistress.
The  there's this: "In the email received by Gen. [John]Allen, Ms. [Paula] Broadwell—writing under the pseudonym KelleyPatrol—described Ms. Kelley as a 'seductress' and warned the general about being entangled in a relationship with her, the official said. A lawyer for Ms. Broadwell didn't return messages seeking comment Tuesday."


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