Breaking News
Thursday 8 November 2012

Info Post
As we noted here yesterday, many GOPers and their pundit friends spent much of yesterday blaming his defeat on "losing momentum" after the arrival of Hurricane Sandy.  As we also noted here two weeks ago, well before Sandy, the Mittmentum had already stopped, days before, except in the year's biggest outlier for much of the final weeks, at Gallup.  As Nate Silver and others noted, swing state polls were not trending in his direction at all and the national polls were basically flat.   So the pundits and apologists were all wrong, but it is a myth that will surely live on.

Especially now that Romney himself--trying not to cry--has adopted it in trying to get his many, many, wealthy benefactors off his back.  Oh Mitt, go out and buy that new show dog you promised yourself if you won, even though you lost badly.  Just don't take him on a long family vacation this time.

Note:  The first e-book on Obama-Romney race has just been published--and it's mine!  "Tricks, Lies and Videotape" covers the contest right up to Election Night.  Just $2.99.  Enjoy.  


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