True Love happens once some say, and some say love is just a discovery and just like any discovery, Its is the product of great persistence. I do fall under the latter school of thought. Some are truly lucky to find themselves getting right on the very first time and some just need to keep trying so hard that they loose themselves from love just before they discover it. I do believe that the discovery of love itself is so great a feeling, especially since in this world when many do die before they get a chance to taste something so pure.
When for the very first time, I got the taste of love i was in 8th grade, Being born where I am and being raised how I have been, it was altogether a different world for me. Love may be a breather, but it did suck hell out me, On that day, when the dew drops had hardly settled, the sun so warm, sitting by the cold metal window of the dreary school bus, I saw her. She was exceptional, something so magnificent to my eyes that I have seen none so exquisite and splendid that time slowed around me. My eyes followed her as she entered the bus and disappeared in the crowd. I still remembered how her dark hair flew with wind and how lips curled as the cold wind teased her cheeks and turned them rosy.

Every day I would rush to class sit in my desk and wait for her to walk in, Somehow my friends got the smell of it, but never knew the girl at least not until years later. I could hardly keep my eyes of her did everything possible to escape her gaze, and there i was fairly successful. You may ask why i was so scared in her catching me staring her. I too have no idea why it scared me so much, But of all the things that killed my sleep, this was the top scorer.
The end was not a very good one for this beautiful love story of mine, When after two years of desperately losing my mind on her I came up with courage to tell her my state of mind. She simply turned me down, That was so unbelievable when heard and that incident has for the very first time made me think of the words " being heartbroken ". The days that followed were very bad but some where down the lane i caught my reins and sat down to think. The process somehow enabled me to convince myself to let my wounds heal naturally.Those days i felt the prick like no other, What pains does a teen has to bear than that !, Those things that were taken so seriously feels so stupid now.
Thinking of those days i feel that the days in love and the days after the heart break both has taught me a lot, like any boy in the part of growing up , the ability to not to lose faith has served well. I will tell you why one should never lose faith, It is very possible that the heartbreak may be just the beginning of something wonderful and if it is so, how can you be sure of being damned even before giving life a chance to make up ? As wonderful as love is so is the small things that are taught by it.
The sweet little girl i saw on that wet day is the image of my very first love, and as days and years have gone by, these memories has just got ever the more dearer. Later as I have gone on to find my real love over several years of break ups and patch ups I can only be thankful, for love and all the wonders it brought along.
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