Breaking News
Monday, 10 December 2012

Info Post
UPDATE  On this show tonight, Colbert milked the attention and poll result, citing Atlantic calling him "overqualified" and NBC saying he was "not as crazy" as Jim DeMint.   He advised, "My network contract prevents me from taking another fulltime job, so the Senate would be perfect."  He also hailed "the democratic process" where one person can pick a Senator.

Colbert then demanded that Haley come on his show and explain why she may not pick him.  Meanwhile, he asked fans to tweet her #SpottedSalamander (see below). 

Earlier: Maybe it's not such a joke after all?  Or maybe the joke is just on the GOP and S. Carolina voters?  A new PPP poll finds favorite native son Stephen Colbert getting 20% of the vote to be picked by Gov. Nikki Haley to fill the less-than-gaping opening in the U.S. Senate caused by Jim DeMint's none-too-soon departure.   The alleged frontrunner, Tea Party fave Rep. Tim Scott only drew 15%.  And Mark "Off the Trail" Sanford checks in with 8%.   Haley has pooh-poohed Colbert's chances, saying that when she appeared on his show in April he failed to ID the state drink which is milk.  But Haley in the same show could not name the state amphibian: the spotted salamander.


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