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Thursday, 6 December 2012

Info Post
 UPDATE  Krugman in his Friday column elaborates on the below but also focuses on the U.S. facing not a fiscal cliff but a jobs cliff.   "The forgotten millions."

Earlier:  Paul Krugman in a new blog post calls reputedly intelligent Louisana Gov. Bobby Jindal a "fiscal ignoramus," based on the headline.  The subject, of course, is the fiscal cliff and Jindal's call for solutions such as a laughable balanced budget amendment.  But there's a wider problem:
I think it comes back to the epistemic closure issue. Even supposedly well-informed people on the right get their “facts” from the likes of the Heritage Foundation. Probably Jindal never talks to anyone who will quietly explain that the fiscal cliff is a problem because, well, Keynesian economics is basically right, and you really don’t want austerity in a depressed economy. So he has some vague notion that it’s about the wages of fiscal irresponsibility, which it isn’t, and apparently believes that he knows enough to pontificate.
The inimitable Charles P. Pierce mocked Jindal as well today on the same issue. 


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