Quotes from Petraeus:
--"I mean, again, off the record, the New York Times was never going to give Bush or Iraq a break, I don’t care what happened."
-- "Grant used to say, yeah, there’s old Sherman. I stood by him while he was crazy, and he stood by me while I was drunk. And every time I see McCain, I think about that. [Laughter] Because they stood by me when I was crazy. And so did Bill O’Reilly, actually. But again, I do sense there is a little — it is. You can sense a skepticism."
--And it closes with this, on one reason the general will not run for president:
Petraeus: My wife would divorce me.
Q: Right.
Petraeus: And I love my wife.
Q: Tell her it’s a beautiful house.
Petraeus: We have a beautiful house. [Laughter] With his-and-her’s bathrooms, believe it or not. I just want to live in it. I’ve never spent a night in it.
Q: I know, that’s the happiest marriage . . .
Petraeus: Keep your mitts off my dressing room.
Q: My husband and I have had a very long and happy relationship because we have completely separate bathrooms.
Petraeus: Isn’t that . . . I mean, that’s the ticket.
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