First, a HUGE thank you to all for your support of OWH's "sister cards" challenge. I so appreciated your visits to the blog post, your comments and -- most of all -- the cards you made for our heroes. All the cards were so well done. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
And the Bo Bunny Liberty Blog Candy Goes to....
Margaret G, which is extra appropriate since Margaret made the sample card for this week's Midweek Throwdown challenge involving patriotic cards. Margaret, thanks again for playing along in our challenge! Please e-mail your shipping information to me at to receive your prize. :)
OWH VCMP Die Cut Challenge -- Take Two
Remember when I said I wasn't pleased with the flip flop card. I think I said it wasn't quite done.
Thanks to Kathryn and Sarah for comments that inspired a few significant changes. Kathryn complimented the detail on my cards, like the heat embossed flip flop imprint. That made me realize that the lack of detail on the flip flops themselves was exactly what was bothering me. Sarah suggested the addition of a little gem. I really liked this idea -- and started thinking about what other details could/should be added.
So, the following changes were made to the flip flops. And, what a difference a few details can make!
- Light yellow pastel highlights were added to the inside.
- Dark blue/brown shading was added to the outer edge.
- Stickles were added to the thong portions.
- Tiny blue gems topped off the thongs.
And this creature says/does...?
Okay, I will tell you the specifics of the conversation I had with hubby about the card -- or, more accurately, the beginnings of a card -- shown below in Monday Musings.
Before that, my questions for you are:
- What would the little "creature" shown below say or do?
- And where in the world is "Waldo"?
Parting Thoughts
Thanks again to everyone for such a nice response to the OWH "sister cards" challenge. :) :) :)
Not quite sure what I'm going to work on this weekend. I certainly hope to make an Any Hero card using this Sunday's sketch. I still need to make (or choose) a card for this month's ODBD challenge for OWH. And, then there are still a few unfinished VCMP challenges, a Midweek Throwdown, a scrap tutorial...
So little time, so many possibilities. :)
Happy scrappin' to all!
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