As I looked around my craft room, I thought there is no way to take all of these things. And, I don't have a whole lot of extra time to figure this out.
Then I had one of those light bulb moments. Thinking this probably won't be my last day-long crop, I decided to make a crop supply list -- ala a grocery or packing list.
And, when I was creating the list, I had the second light bulb moment. I realized the very first thing on the list needs to be sketches of the cards I'll be working on at the crop. Then, I can use the sketches to go through the list and check off what I need for the day.
If you think this list would come in handy, feel free to use it. But, you may have noticed my list is missing a Cricut machine. (Sadly, my craft room doesn't have one of those.) So, if you're lucky enough to have one -- or some other great tool you'd like to include on the list, I'd be happy to send the word doc as an attachment for you to customize to better fit your needs.
And, if you've already come up with a similar list/tool -- and have suggestions on how this one can be improved, please share! :)
Thanks for stopping by and happy scrappin'!
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